Poppers? What are poppers?

BY JACK T.  |  POSTED 26 JULY 2012

Rush Poppers - Ultra Strong

Rush Poppers, as well as its cousin, Rush Ultra Strong (pictured), have long been top sellers worldwide. The original Rush line has always contained pure isobutyl nitrite.

Poppers is a street term, or a slang, for any liquid that belongs to the alkyl nitrite family and is used recreationally to intensify sexual pleasure, or—in club culture—to enhance the perception of sound and light.

Poppers are administered by inhaling the content from a small bottle (10-30ml) that contains the liquid, which is typically yellowish in colour and has a distinctive, fruity, sweetish aroma (although this varies depending on the particular nitrite used.)

Poppers are legal and are generally safe to use (though be sure to check the safety of this guide if you are new to poppers), and they are not addictive at all – not physically addictive, anyway; the possibility of developing a mental dependency and a craving for the pleasurable effects is another matter ;-)

Nowadays, poppers are typically sold as liquid incense, room odorizer, leather cleaner or even nail polish remover (yes, apart from their recreational use as inhalants, alkyl nitrites can reliably perform all of the listed functions :-)

A gay high?

Poppers are still seen by many as a "gay drug", but this is a very outdated view.

Poppers have long been popular with the male gay community – but their appeal does not stop there.

Yes, it is true that the gay subculture of the 1970s did embrace the bright, eye-catching bottles labeled Rush, Locker Room, Ram or Hardware.

Yes, it is true that poppers manufacturers of the era invested heavily in advertising in gay publications. There even was a gay-targeted cartoon strip named "Poppers"  which told the adventures of Billy, a West Hollywood muscleboy, and his sidekick Yves.

But as early as 1978, the Pittsburg Post-Gazette quoted "a brash young street vendor" in New York—yes, poppers were sold by street vendors back then!—who was apparently "doing brisk business at 52nd and Madison" and who described his clientele as follows —


usiness people, gays, straights, Brooks Brothers suits, off-duty cops, the Gucci crowd."

Why so, you might wonder. What is the appeal of a substance that, some would say, smells like a sweaty pair of socks?

To answer that question, let me quote from a study titled Psychosexual Aspects of the Volatile Nitrites, published in 1982 by an American psychiatrist Thomas P. Lowry, M.D. —


he inhalable nitrites may be the nearest thing to a true aphrodisiac. In foreplay, the nitrites have a disinhibiting effect, enabling the user to experience total skin-surface sensuality. When inhaled shortly before orgasm, the user may experience a sense of exhilaration and acceleration, a freeing of inhibition, and perception of orgasm as prolonged, intense and exalted."

The formulas

Back in the seventies and eighties, as Dr Lowry noted in the study quoted above, there were just two compounds in widespread use as poppers: amyl nitrite and isobutyl nitrite.

Jungle Juice Platinum Poppers

Jungle Juice, and its more potent sibling, Jungle Juice Platinum (pictured) have always contained pure amyl nitrite – but beware of imitations.

Numerous other formulas have been developed since; the term "poppers" may nowadays also refer to cyclohexyl nitrite, isopentyl nitrite or isoamyl nitrite.

The last three—cycloxehyl, isopentyl and isoamyl—are currently being promoted as "new formulas", "USA-safe formulas", "EU formulas" or similar – with the inevitable marketing hype associated: "Pure! Powerful! Improved!"

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The so-called new formulas are not purer or better than the originals; they are merely the result of a never-ending cat and mouse game that poppers manufactures have to play with the regulators who hate to see anything even mildly mind-altering on the market:

As they ban one compound, another one is devised with (hopefully) similar effects – and the business carries on as usual. (In time, of course, the "new" stuff will get banned as well... and another formula will be developed... and so on.)

Of the three "new" formulas currently promoted, isoamyl is just about okay, in my opinion. Cyclohexyl and isopentyl, on the other hand, are pretty rough chemicals that will give you a headache right after the first sniff. I avoid them if I can help it.

The Just Jungle Juice website has tracked since 2006


he Jungle monkeys that cook up cyclo-headache-hexyl and pass it on as the real juice d'amyl"

— as well as recommending reliable retailers who still stock genuine amyl and isobutyl. (Despite widespread regulatory pressures, original formula amyl and isobutyl can still be manufactured in a handful of countries.)

Why ‘poppers’?

The term "popper" has many meanings. In particular, it is anything that makes a popping sound — but the name is also used to refer to a utensil for popping corn, a fishing lure, a spicy Mexican dish, a type of cupcake...

You would have figured out by now that none of the above, of course, is the poppers we are talking about on this website ;-) But if you are still not with us, here is one no-nonsense—if somewhat crude—definition, courtesy one Brian Moylan of Gawker.com


or those who still don't know, poppers are an inhalant that is rather easy to come by in most adult book stores or leather shops. It's amyl nitrite and it's sold as 'room odorizer' or 'video head cleaner' or some other preposterous bullsh*t like that. What it does is loosen up all the involuntary muscles (like in the throat, vagina and anus) so it's so much easier to get large objects pushed into them."

I have included Mr Moylan's definition mostly for its comical value; there are some truths there but also quite a few untruths:

First of all, hardly any bookstore anywhere in the world stocks poppers these days – not openly, anyway. Secondly, most poppers available nowadays are not the good old amyl. Lastly, poppers do not just "loosen up all the involuntary muscles", as Mr Moylan puts it – yes, they definitely do that, but they do a lot more than that! They affect one's mind, too, bringing out this raw, animal-like sexuality in just about anyone who takes a sniff... That is the main appeal.

But why "poppers"?

Originally, amyl nitrite poppers came in small glass capsules, which you had to snap to release the liquid's aroma. The glass vials (commonly called pearls back then) made a distinctive popping sound when crushed – hence the name "poppers".

These days poppers come in 10-30ml bottles, and they don't pop anymore. But the name stuck.

How do poppers work?

Physically, alkyl nitrites act as vasodilator – a substance that dilates blood vessels. As a result, more blood enters the brain and so the user experiences an effect typically described as a "head rush".

Jacked Poppers

Rumor has it Jacked is named after the brand creator's dog Jack. Contains fast-acting isobutyl. Recommended.

Poppers also relax smooth muscles throughout the body, which makes penetrative sex easier.

Mentally, poppers intensify current positive emotions, create a sense of well-being and euphoria, decrease any inhibitions and increase the user's sex drive.

Although the functioning of poppers on a physical level has been reliably described and understood by medical science (amyl nitrite was originally a medicine for angina pectoris – heart pains associated with a heart attack), it has not yet been explained how or why poppers affect one's mental state in the way they do.

The lack of scientific understanding has never bothered me though :-) and neither should it bother you. Enjoy!

What are the strongest poppers you can buy?

As poppers continue to gain popularity for various uses, it’s essential to stay informed about the different products available in the market. In 2023, there’s a wide variety of options to choose from, each with its unique characteristics and potency levels. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the strongest poppers available and help you answer the question ‘What are the strongest poppers you can buy?.

A Brief Overview of Poppers

Poppers are a class of products containing alkyl nitrites, which were initially used for medical purposes but have since found their way into various applications. Over the years, they have gained a reputation for their unique effects and are now available in different formulations. These products are typically sold in small, dark bottles to protect the contents from light and prolong their shelf life.

In recent years, the market for poppers has expanded, and numerous brands and types have emerged, catering to different preferences and needs. Some of the most popular poppers types include pentyl and propyl-nitrite-based products, each offering varying levels of potency. As you explore the world of poppers, it’s crucial to understand the differences between these products and identify the strongest options available to ensure a satisfactory experience.

The Strongest Poppers on the Market

As the demand for poppers grows, so does the variety of products available. With numerous options to choose from, identifying the strongest poppers can be a challenge.

Here’s a list of some of the most potent poppers on the market in 2023:

Double Scorpio

Double Scorpio has earned a reputation for being one of the strongest poppers available. Known for its high-quality formulation and powerful effects, it has become a top choice for users seeking a potent experience.

Rush Poppers

A long-time favorite in the poppers community, Rush poppers have consistently maintained their status as one of the most potent and effective products on the market. With a long history and a dedicated following, Rush continues to be a popular choice for those in search of strong poppers.

Liquid Gold Poppers

Liquid Gold poppers are known for their intense potency and are often regarded as one of the strongest poppers available. Their formulation and strength make them a popular choice for users seeking a powerful experience.

Prowler Poppers

Highly regarded for our potency, here at Prowler Poppers we offer our own range, from our Prowler Thunderball poppers to our Elbow Deep room odourizer, we have something for all popper users.

Pentyl Poppers

Pentyl poppers are known for their strength and have become a popular option among users seeking powerful effects. As one of the most potent types of nitrite-based poppers, pentyl poppers continue to gain popularity in the market.

Propyl Poppers

Propyl poppers are another type of nitrite-based popper known for their potency. While not as strong as their pentyl counterparts, propyl poppers still offer users a powerful experience and remain a popular choice for those looking for strong poppers.

FAQs About Strongest Poppers

Which popper is the best?

Determining the best poppers ultimately depends on personal preferences, desired effects, and individual experiences. It’s essential to read reviews, gather feedback from other users, and try different brands to find the one that best suits your needs.

What is the strongest nitrate popper?

Among the various types of nitrite-based poppers, pentyl and propyl poppers are considered some of the strongest options. Brands like Double Scorpio, Rush, Liquid Gold, and Prowler are known for their potent formulations and are popular choices for users seeking the strongest nitrate poppers.

How long do poppers last after opening?

Once opened, the potency of poppers can diminish over time. Typically, they can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on factors like storage conditions and frequency of use. To maintain their potency, it’s important to store poppers in a cool, dark place and ensure the cap is tightly closed when not in use.

Tips for Buying Cheap and Effective Poppers

  1. Research and compare different brands to find the most cost-effective options with strong effects.
  2. Look for online retailers that offer bulk discounts or special promotions to save money on your purchase.
  3. Read customer reviews and gather feedback from other users to identify reliable sources and trustworthy products.
  4. When buying online, ensure that the retailer is reputable and provides secure payment options to protect your personal information.

What are the strongest poppers you can buy?

In 2023, the market offers a wide range of strong poppers to suit various preferences and needs. By comparing different brands, reading reviews, and considering factors such as potency and formulation, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best popper for your needs. Remember to store your poppers correctly to maintain their potency and always purchase from reputable sources to ensure a safe and satisfying experience.

Safety Information

Our poppers are aromas or room odourisers only and are not for direct inhalation! This product is sometimes used as a leather cleaner also and in such cases should be used for the treatment of leather products only and end use is as leather cleaner only, not for direct inhalation!

All our poppers style aromas are legal Alkyl Nitrites sold in the correct child-proof and tamper-evident bottles. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES.

Contains Alkyl Nitrites Flammable. Do not use near fire or flame Eye irritants. For eye contact flush with water. Harmful if swallowed. If swallowed, drink two glasses of milk or water, induce vomiting, and call a physician. Avoid contact with skin. Do not inhale contents directly from the bottle. This product is classified in accordance with 67/548/EE